
riddle me this

Congratulations to me, I just got my first Yahoo! Answers question removed. Actually it was somewhere around my 25th question but I guess none of the others has been quite so ... inflammatory? Well, actually no, I posted one about adoption a few days ago that had people yelling at me, at each other, and at themselves, and that didn't get removed, so lend me some insight - what is it about the following question that deserves to be censored? (And don't just tell me Yahoo! and Y!A are a bunch of idiots; I've already acknowledged that there are a couple thousand other things I could be spending my time much more wisely on.)

Anyone planning on attending your state's April 15 Tax Day Tea Party? Addendum: I am not a Republican, and my opinion is that we have representation, but I teach civics and am intrigued by this opportunity for civic participation across America. Just want to know your thoughts.

I mean why even have a section called POLITICS if you'd weed out such a bland question? Geez, I didn't mention Michelle Malkin ONCE!


Dan said...


wv: monesden - sounds like a republican name.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that they're offended that you teach civics.

(Sorry can't think of anything else haha.)