I, Gemini?
Is anyone else freaking out over the "news" that their zodiac sign has shifted? This showed up in my Twitter timeline by a couple different people today and I am (channel Cher Horowitz) totally buggin'.
As a textbook Cancerian, I've always embraced my inner crab - the good, the bad and the uglier-than-a-molting Dungeness. Nurturing, creative, intuitive, homebodied - and overly sensitive, w/a tendency to burst forth snapping - or completely retreat - in the face of conflict. Now I find out (although I'm still waiting for someone to jump out of the bushes and yell "April Fool" - I mean, if zodiac shifts are possible, couldn't January really be April?) that I'm really a Gemini - an air sign, whose most notable positive characteristic is versatility, and most notable negative is duplicity.
I miss my carapace.
Really, this has thrown me for a major loop. My husband and other levelheaded creatures will find that ridiculous, but for me it's kind of like someone telling me that I was born in another season (I really love being a summer baby), or that I'm not really related to the people in my family, or that underneath his doggy suit, Kona is really a cat. Is this how it feels when people find out as adults that they were adopted? Okay, I'm reaching here, but I do feel a weird sense of identity-shakeup. And loss. Maybe I should have outgrown this attachment to signs and symbols by now - or maybe I'll come to unearth my Gemini self and love all those aspects as much as my Cancerian traits - or maybe someone really will jump out of the bushes and shout "April Fool." If planetary tilt can cause astrological identity crises severe enough to send us to our kitchen cabinets in search of chocolatey snacks (uh, just me?), anything's possible.
Oh well, at least I'm not the never-before-heard-of Ophiuchus. It sounds like a species of prehistoric fish and is apparently the zodiac's House of Slytherin.
1 comment:
OK dorko, I'll break it down like this. Because of Einstein's work in Special Relativity we know that the universe is expanding. In addition, you have the third law of thermodynamics which is entropy, things are always changing.
What this means is since the smart people came up with astrology thousands of years ago our position has changed in respect to those stars that make up the astrological calendar. So the truth is, you might still be a Cancer. It would actually depend on the exact position of the Earth (in relation to the stars), the time of day, year, and date and location on the planet. Who knows for sure without more scientific work.
On a side note, just so you know, the big brain science guys add or subtract a second from the calendar year every few years because the rotation of the Earth isn't precise. So you could be a few seconds older than you really think you are.
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