I updated my AES Wiki!
In other earth-shattering news, I just ate my way through yet another weekend. Thought people who talked about fledgling runners gaining weight were joking - it turns out I am a textbook case of an overeating runner. I have no qualms about eating three mac-nut choc-chip cookies - until, of course, I've finished the last crumb of the third cookie. Then I feel some serious remorse. But then the word "remorse" reminds me of the word "morsel," which reminds me of chocolate chips, which sends me wandering back over to the cookie table. As long as I fit into my favorite jeans, I figure I'm okay.
Weekend faux pas: standing in the card aisle at Wal*Mart, en route to a birthday party, and joking about not being able to buy any of the cards because the little rhymes about "sweet" and "precious" baby boys were totally false when it came to the screaming, spoiled mess whose party you're late for. Advice: Don't call a baby a screaming spoiled mess if there's even the remotest chance that the people next to you, also searching for a birthday card, may be going to the same party as you. Because, uh, you might wind up right next to them in the buffet line. Just sayin' ...
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