

I banished the stress ball. After Monday's professional development day, the rest of the week went to crap - because I let it - and I started absorbing every tiny thing. I let a barrage of negativity get under my skin, and ended up with a rash. No, not Fifth Disease, which is being passed around at my friend's kid's school - more like one whopping case of Steponmeplease Syndrome.

But enough is enough, and Friday is a great place to start. My goal for today is to achieve balance through undiluted positivity. Cruising along this particular turnpike *may* make me seem like quite the wack job, considering the great dark cloud I've insisted on bringing with me everywhere this week so far, but I think it'll be a refreshing - and necessary - change.

If I learned anything from those years I spent tumbling along a four-inch-wide plank, it's that balance is essential to survival. Square your hips before you throw that back handspring, or you'll never land it. And know when to get off the beam and move onto another event.