
the old man is snoring

... and in my campaign to be suckiest blogger on the block, here is a picture of today's weather. Traffic advisories and weather updates are all the news I can stomach right now.

Rain = squishy grounds, flooded bathrooms, stinky kids. Christmas presents: mini-deodorants, gift-wrapped of course.

Jazzercise update: I still can't keep up with the seniors. But I think I've finally got a decent chasse, so the crossover can't be too far behind.


Dan said...

hehe. isn't it sad when the seniors are in better shape than you? keep at it.

fallen_star808 said...

Did you go to class tonight? I ended up not going b/c it started pouring over here. I'll be at class tomorrow though if the weather holds up. I'm sure you're doing fine! I love that punching/hip routine. POW!

damned_cat said...

@d - no joke. it's also sad when the seniors know more beyonce songs than i do.

@caryn - i went to class. only about 7 people came. i had to leave early, tho because scott and i had to go shopping.