

To: The Ugly One
From: The Smart, Attractive One
Re: Birthday

Dear Mart,

Even though they never fulfilled my lifelong dream of having a sister, good old Mom and Dad did provide me with endless hours of entertainment the day we brought you home from the airport.

(It's so funny. Everyone thinks I'm joking when I say that.)

Thanks for commiserating about the fish, for sweeping while I talk, and for all those years of washing the dishes while I pretended to be busy with homework.

Thanks for being the one I could always lean on, count on, and tell on. :)


Got out of bed and got dressed for morning Jazzercise only to discover that on Tuesdays, there is no morning Jazzercise. Sew, looks like today is Big Day of Shopping - Part II.

It's already almost 10, so parking isn't going to go as smoothly as yesterday. That's okay. I think.


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