
blame it on the train

Now: Animal lovers are often depicted as slightly insane. Although I'm in the early stages of Cat Lady-ness myself (last night I dreamed that a beagle joined my menagerie), I think more people will side with Claes, despite the SB's attempt to cute-ify the piggies ... feral animals in your garden and chewing up your pipes? Makes a hard case, even for little Electra.

And now: A purple picture of my weekend.

P.S. Am officially a Hairspray junkie. From frisbeeing the Broadway soundtrack out the car window half a year ago to actually seeing it on Broadway to barely being able to contain my glee in the movie (although John Travolta is no Paul Vogt)? You can't stop the motion of the ocean, or the sun in the sky.


Dan said...

hey. i got nothing against loving animals, but when it starts to cause damage to other people's property then that just irresponsible. and just like the little kid that won't pick up his toys. you take a big iron pipe and bust the toys up.
no wait, that doesn't sound right...

damned_cat said...


I can see being upset about the uprooting of vegetation and things like that, but I think his attitude toward the pigs (who are, face it, just doing what they are programmed to do) could use some improvement. I can see feeling satisfied to see them trapped and removed, and I also appreciate a good pulled pork sandwich. But to feel so personally bad toward an animal that eating it brings you so much joy? Perverse.

Dan said...

mmm. bacon.

well trapping them shouldn't be the responsibility of the plaintiff.