The story: Mother of Pony Bronco World Series player chooses to support traveling son, in defiance of employer's ultimatum regarding her job. Under fire from the public, employer apologizes and gives her back her job.
On Twitter, @808Now asks: Was it fair for BOH to let her go? And was giving her job back a PR move, or a "real decision"?
Me: It was fair. Sucky circumstances, but it's an employer's right to require an employee to honor their contract. Yes, it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience - of which the mother had already shared several days with her son. Of course he will always appreciate her almost-sacrifice - but he could also have appreciated the lesson she would have taught him by going back to work when she needed to. Now, it's a media mini-circus and everyone looks foolish. BOH, in trying to do the "right" thing and undo their "mistake," looks foolish because it wasn't a mistake in the first place and now they're falling all over themselves apologizing and giving her job back.
To be fair, those criticizing the mother should realize that she didn't ask for her job back. She chose to resign and she was ready to. No one did anything wrong until the media blew it up and made the bank look like the baddies.
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