
things are looking up

Aching quads and abs, sore throat and persistent cough. We are two sad peas in a pod. Handling everything with OTC magic - so far, so tolerable. Lugging a 1.5L water bottle everywhere has helped. Attempting to soothe the sore throat with an icy vanilla shake off the BK dollar menu has not. ('Twas yummy, though. And it did provide temporary relief.)

Am in better spirits after watching "Lie to Me," polishing me nails, extracting a laugh or two from Cub, and promising myself a trip to CBTL tomorrow morning. Maybe the abs will let me do the old Spark People workout before heading in to the classroom tomorrow.

I took a 12-week half-marathon training program, tailored it to our specific needs (stretching it to 20 weeks) and came up with a schedule that will ensure a much more comfortable outcome for the Val Nolasco Half Marathon in November. ("Are you serious?!" <-- Cub)

You betcha. Quads will probably blaze for another few days but as soon as our coughs clear up we can get back in the pool and restart cross training.

Tomorrow: Day 1 at work (for real! Jumped the gun today, but tomorrow we're definitely on the clock.)


Dan said...

sorry that you're sick.

"lie to me" is awesome. the truth is in your face. hehe, tv makes it looks so easy but studying microexpressions is tough. not exactly the easiest thing in the world even with the video camera. but it's fun how they reference all of those famous people's facial expression.

go easy, better to take a few days off to get back up to par than to make things worse.

damned_cat said...

yeah. you ever read "blink" by malcolm gladwell? has a related section. makes me wonder, though, what if it was, say, a sneeze that went away? lol.

looks like i'm taking the first day of summer school off. this sucks.

wv: tidia. tidy, tidia, tidiest!

Hayashiphoto said...

Hey! Sorry to bug you but I really want to start working on your wedding album since I have some free time for the next month or so. Still need your list of photos though...

damned_cat said...

omg bullet, i am such a pain in the ass. i'm sorry! working on it NOW. (not tonight, not tomorrow, working on it now.) we so love you for putting up with us!!