
the dopamine rush

Graduation's a little ways off, but apparently, party time is now. Well, two days from now, actually.

Pitched a small fit last night over having to cancel my plans to power walk with one of my friends Friday afternoon because I am Scott's DD for the evening's "freaking semester's over" festivities, and when I say evening, I mean "starts at 3 p.m. or as fast as they can escape the SY and get to the bar." I got over it, though. He's worked so hard this semester - they all have, I'm sure - and is totally deserving of whatever shenanigans they have planned for the end of the week.

Also, Friday is our class surprise party for one of my little ones, who is spending his summer in southern Africa. Friday's his last day, and party planning has been challenging. We'll have Lego stations (he is a Bionicles enthusiast - this part's not so hard), snacks free of wheat, gluten, dairy and processed sugar (he has many allergies - this part is HARD!), and, uh ... the Limpopo River Song? (He is moving to Swaziland and the "Power of One" soundtrack is the most geographically appropriate music I own.)

It's also Un-Party Time. Things I need to do before I blow this popsicle stand for the summer (which is fun to say but totally untrue, because I'm teaching through the "vacation"): PEP-T Duty 5 (reflection), fire the ceramic hands ...


1 comment:

Dan said...

waiting for the tbc. eagerly.

wv: nonally - a person that's not an ally.