

I could never be a '50s housewife. A turn-of-the-century SAHM, yes, but never a '50s housewife.

The Dyson's name is Becky, by the way. Just because around the time I was reading Babysitters Club, I was also reading The Gymnasts, and the Pinecones' archnemesis was named Becky Dyson. She was an elite gymnast and the Supreme Bitch of Patrick Harmon's Evergreen Gymnastics Academy. That's how I like my home appliances - elite and supremely bitch(in').

Speaking of Becky Dyson, this might be the most awesome blog west of Kim's What Claudia Wore. Might be. But I can't tell you right now because I have to finish vacuuming the living room.


Dan said...

hehe. how's becky working out for you? if you need practice, i got plenty of space to vacuum. you know, to help you.

damned_cat said...

becky's a great addition to the family. so submissive, though. i love pushing her around. she just keeps on taking all of my dirt.

wv: scoum. so close to scum!