

Me: Let's review some of the street names for marijuana that OPPH taught you the other day.

Kid 1: Pakalolo!

Me: That's one.

Kid 2: Weed!

Me: That's another.

Kid 3: Bucket!

Me: ... Bucket?

Kid 3: Yeah ...

Me: Do you mean 'pot'?

Kid 3: Oh yeah, pot!


Dan said...

you're the buckethead, smoking too much bucket again?

damned_cat said...

hey, man. there's no hope in bucket.

Dan said...

didn't they tell you that bucket is a gateway drug? it leads to other things.

hehe. word verification: subable.

damned_cat said...

eek. pretty soon i'll have a bunch of pail-heads and bin addicts on my hands!!