
went to the doctor, guess what he told me ...

"Would you be interested in seeing a psychiatrist?"

Geez, whatever happened to "Girl, you better try to have fun no matter what you do"?

Seriously, all I wanted was my cholesterol and blood pressure checked.


Dan said...

eh, it's better than going in for that and having some personally invasive check done on you "since you're here."

and why wouldn't you see a psychiatrist? it's good to get that mental check-up once and awhile.

damned_cat said...

been there, done that ...

Dan said...

too much information. you could've lied and i would've been fine with it.

damned_cat said...

done the MENTAL CHECKUP, is what i meant. :P

Dan said...

ah. sorry. my mind is in the gutter.

how'd that mental checkup go?

damned_cat said...

i saw my therapist for maybe four months. when seeing him caused more anxiety attacks than anything else, i quit. i feel better now, though.

Dan said...

hehe. the fear of therapists. i know it well. army made me see one for awhile (three sessions) until they said "if you want to get better, you have to pay." and i wasn't going to pay some guy to tell me things i already know like "it'll get better" and "uh huh, how does that make you feel?" yup, the first three sessions are free, that's how they hook you!

damned_cat said...

free appeals to me ... if therapy were consistently free, there's a chance i'd still be going. slim, but a chance nonetheless. speaking of, my doc never billed me. i wonder if he's still waiting for me to come back?

Dan said...

*shrug* maybe. i mean you'd have to be a little crazy to listen to other people's problems all day. so maybe it isn't all that crazy.