
he said ballcock

Plumber: You need to change your ballcock and flapper. Here's my card. Give us a call if your boyfriend doesn't have time to do it or something.

I don't, by the way, make this shit up.

I will spare you the "feminist ape-shit rant" about gender bias, household duties and general plumbing competence - mostly because I gladly accept assistance when a guy carries something heavy for me, changes my oil, puts together furniture, or figures out what's wrong with my car. However, I'd gladly accept assistance from a woman willing to do the same. The bottom line is that I would like to assess the situation first and then make a judgment.

Scenario 1: I need to change the ballcock and flapper. Do I:

(a) hop on the internet and/or read a Popular Mechanics and have a go at it
(b) ask my boyfriend to do something about it which would involve him doing (a)
(c) hire a plumber to massively overcharge me for something that I should be able to hop on the internet or read a PM and figure out?

If you haven't yet figured this out, that was a rhetorical question. I don't need anything answered, fixed, analyzed, repaired, lifted, assembled, or beat senseless.

For now, enjoy this phone call I just made:

S: Hello?

Me: Hi. Do you know how to change a ballcock and/or flapper?

S: Is that something in the bathroom?

Me: Toilet parts.

S: No ... I've never done it.

I'm about to say "Me neither" when S says, "But I'm sure I could figure out how."

Me: Mm-hm, I'm sure I could too.*

S: But I'm sure your dad knows how.

[GONG. End of show.]

*... and we were doing so well!


Anonymous said...

Or, for future reference, you could call Vickie, because, amazingly enough, it's the only plumbing type thing she knows how to do.

Dan said...

well, at least the plumber thought you were heterosexual.

damned_cat said...

v - are you SERIOUS? teach me to rock, too!

dan - at least the plumber assumed i knew how to use a telephone.

Dan said...

well that goes without say! of course girls know how to use phones. gab gab gab gab.