

Do not be afraid. Do not call police.

Guillotine? Ugh.

For desperate housewives only.


Anonymous said...

your crimes are in the past, but your future is just a head?

Dan said...

that's good art right there.

isn't a humane execution just a contradiction? no method is foolproof. someone is always going to suffer. why are we caring so much about how they die? how about the way they killed. quick and painless? eh, just severe a hand and let them bleed out i say. i enjoy a good show with lots of sound.

Dan said...

i figured out a foolproof method of execution. now it may sound a little bit pricy but worth it i think. fire these guys into black holes. as they cross the event horizon the gravitional forces will rip their bodies to sub-atomic particles from our perspective but from their perspective it'll seem like an eternity. you get both, life imprisonment and a death penalty. see? very cool huh?